Welcome to qes

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Bringing help and hope through free education,
career pathways and social services. Education now delivered through Skills Update.

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Helping people get into employment and achieve their career goals

Tupu Aotearoa

Tupu Aotearoa

Helping Pacific people find employment, complete further training or study
Click Here

Employment Preparation & Placement

Employment Preparation & Placement

Helping people get into employment and achieve their employment goals
Click Here

Youth Services

Helping young people gain the confidence and skills they need for bright and independent futures

Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


Wrap around support for 16-17 year olds living in Otahuhu, Manukau and Papatoetoe
Click Here

Young Parent & Youth Payment (YP/YPP)


Support for young parents or youth living away from home
Click Here

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My success is not mine alone, it is the success of the collective.

Our latest updates


Calling all 16-24 year olds! POUTAMA is a FREE health, wellness and leadership programme based upon a Maori world view of Hauora (Health & Wellbeing), Manaakitanga