Youth Services

Youth Services

Our focus is on supporting our taiohi into education, training and work-based learning- but we do much more. Our youth coaches provide intensive, tailored support to identify their goals and find the best path to reach them.

Each youth coach works with around 20 taiohi. This gives them the time to get to know the taiohi and their whānau; to understand their unique qualities, strengths and goals, and to tailor realistic plans that move them towards independence.

Youth coaches support their taiohi in the ways they most need it- whether that means giving practical help with housing issues, prepare for job interviews or connecting our taiohi with their local support group. Group work and fun activities, workshops and trips complement one-on-one mentoring

Course Details ​

Key Info


Varies from 6-12 months


NZ Citizen or Permanent resident

NEET: 16-17
Young Parents: 16-19

Living in Manukau, Papatoetoe or Otahuhu




Zero fees


Rolling intake, Places availabe now

" Kahore taku toa I te toa takitahi, he toa takitini "

We cannot succeed without the support of those around us.

Enquiry Form